Urban Heat Island Effect

If you have ever noticed that it was hotter in a heavily developed area compared to a mostly natural, nearby area, then you have experienced the “heat island effect”. The heat island effect describes the phenomenon where there are pockets of higher temperatures. The heat island effect mostly occurs in cities, where the built environment absorbs sunlight and radiates heat back into the environment. Since cities have significantly more buildings, roadways, and man-made structures than rural areas, they hold on to more heat than rural areas over a longer period of time.

The heat island effect can have an impact on public health due to extreme heat. Extreme heat can cause heat stroke, heat exhaustion, and heat cramps, among other health impacts. The higher temperatures also lead to higher energy consumption for cooling. Therefore, addressing the heat island effect would also improve public health and could lead to reducing energy consumption.

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Private Property Adaptation

A competitive grant for residential and commercial property owners in Miami Beach.

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Read the city’s action plans that outline projects and initiatives specifically tailored to Miami Beach’s strengths and vulnerabilities.

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Plastic Free
Miami Beach

It takes over 100 years for plastic to disintegrate. Learn why and how we're combating single-use plastic.

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The City of Miami Beach is committed to innovation and learning as we address climate resilience and the co-benefits for our quality of life

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Learn about city's efforts to maintain and protect the pristine conditions of our waterways.

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